A Detailed Analysis Of The Words Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorists.

by Prof. Joseph Valvano

“You can fool some of the people all of the time
and you can fool all of the people some of the time,
but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
Abraham Lincoln

“But you can fool enough of the people, enough of the time
to RULE a very large Country.”
Will and Ariel Durant


In the realm of politics the word “CONSPIRACY” is a “dirty word.”
To be called a “Conspiracy Theorist,” a term coined by the “CIA”
in its 1967 Documents 1035-960 / 1035-961, which were sent out
to CIA news media assets including reporters, editors and
publishing houses, giving them directions and suggestions
on how to “label, criticize and discredit” any prominent
person challenging the findings of the Warren Commission
Report, implies that a person:

1. seems to think “irrationally and illogically.”
2. seems to be “anti-government and unpatriotic.”
3. seems to believe in “lunatic, unsubstantiated fantasies.”
4. seems to find “conspiracies everywhere.”

The dictionary definition of the word “Conspire” is:

1. that two or more people agree to act together to obtain
a “common goal.”
2. that two or more people agree to commit an act that is or
may become “wrongful or unlawful.”


(A) If two 6th grade students agree to “cut school” together,
they “conspired” to obtain a common goal. By “dictionary
definition,” when they cut school they enacted a “CONSPIRACY.”

(B) If family members agreed to have a “surprise party” for
their parents, they “conspired” together to obtain a “common
goal.” When they give their parents that “surprise party,” by
definition, they enacted a “CONSPIRACY.”

(C) If two people agree to “murder” someone, they “conspired”
to obtain their “common goal.” If they do “murder” that person,
they have enacted a “CONSPIRACY.” Therefore, A “Conspiracy” may
constitute an act of “good’ or may constitute an act that is or
may be “criminal.”


(A) Contrary to what is said by our National News Media, which still uses
the ” CIA” recommendations to downplay “Conspiracies,” Conspiracies do
exist in America and will continue to persist in human society, wherever
people seek to obtain PROFIT and/or POWER.

(1) It is interesting to note that many Americans would “vehemently, reject
the above statement. It is equally interesting that so many of these people
who read very little and have researched NOTHING concerning the “DEEP POLITICS”
and the “DEEP STATE” that, fact based research indicates, controls the politics
of this Nation, this Government and it’s Military / Intelligence Complex at
the highest levels and the dissemination of news reporting by the National
News Media, believe that they are so well INFORMED.

(2) But most of these same Americans would be unable to define / identify even
one of the following Conspiratorial Military / Intelligence Covert Operation
that have violated the very Laws of the United States Constitution and the
Bill of Rights, which have overthrown existing Sovereign Governments and
which have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people both in this
country and in various countries around the world. All at a cost of billions
of dollars and all behind the backs of and in the name of the American People.

(3) A partial list of the hundreds of Conspiratorial Covert Operations conducted by
the Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex includes the following:

MK-Ultra – MK-Delta – MK-Search – O Plan -34A – Artichoke
Chaos – Op-40 – ZR-Rifle – Mongoose – Mockingbird
Pluto – HAARP – Chatter – Gladio – Strongback
Sigma – Lake – JM-12 – Monarch – Mandarin
Condor – Splitrail – Goldflow – Trinidad – Contour Rose
Phoenix – Snowbird – Sunrise – Aquarius – Autumn Leaves
Bluebird – Igloo White- Paperclip – Jade Bridge – Cointelpro
HUMINT – Night Train- Screw Worm – HT-Lingual – Air America

(4) Never mind that our “Founding Fathers” wrote a Declaration of Independence
which indicted King George of “Conspiring” to take away whatever liberties,
freedoms and securities that existed within the colonies and instead, instill
such controls over the colonies that would force the colonists to live under
absolute despotism.

(5) So, in reality, our Nation, our Constitution and our Declaration of
Independence was founded, based upon the claims of “Conspiracy Theorists”
who were willing to go to WAR against a “Conspiratorially” driven English
King in order to defeat those “Conspiracies” that threatened their liberties,
their freedoms and their securities.

(6) Never mind the U.S. Government has taken this Nation to WAR for 33 of
the last 68 years based upon the claims of CONSPIRACIES which were conducted
against the U.S. by the governments of North Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. Also,
the CONSPIRATORIAL plan of Osama bin Laden to attack this Nation in New York
was the justification to go to WAR in Afghanistan for 14 years and counting.

(7) Never mind that “CONSPIRACY” is the cornerstone of Organized Crime
everywhere it exists on this planet.

(8) Never mind that “CONSPIRACY” is the “Modus Operandi” of every Military
/ Intelligence Agency of every government on this planet.

(9) We now know that the “Cigarette Industry” was well aware of the fact
that their “product” was “addicting” and possibly “carcinogenic, and that
they “CONSPIRED” to withhold that information from the public.

(10) We now know that certain “Pharmaceutical Companies” were aware of the
fact that certain “drugs” they brought to market could cause heart attacks,
strokes and blood clots, but it seems that they “CONSPIRED” to withhold that
information from the public.

(11) In May, 1997, Pres. Clinton was forced to go on national TV and apologize
to the American People for “secret experiments” conducted by The Atomic Energy
Commission, whereby over 250,000 Americans were secretly exposed to “radiation”
in the form of “capsules and injections” at “free health clinics” run by the
Government to study the effects of “radiation exposure” on the human body over
time. Such action on the part of The atomic Energy Commission and our Government
were the result of “CONSPIRACY.”

(12) Solid documented evidence has validated the for nearly the past 80 years,
the U.S. Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex had conducted
Biological Germ Warfare Experiments of the American people across the united
States, resulting in the sickness, injury and deaths of thousands of innocent
American men, women and children, all without their knowledge or consent. All
this was a massive result of a CONSPIRACY against the American people.

(13) We now know of the “secret experiments” carried out in Tuskegee, Alabama
from 1932 To 1972, whereby over 400 poor “black farm workers” were receiving
“free health care” from the Public Health Services of the U.S. Government, but
were never told that they had been diagnosed with “Syphilis.” Most of these men
died, as did many of their wives, who never knew that their husbands had Syphilis.

A number of the “children” born to these parents suffered and died as well. The
purpose of the “experiment” was to study the “effects of Syphilis long term” on
the human body. This secret experiment was the result of a “CONSPIRACY.”

(14) The Bush Administration’s “SHOCK & AWE” attack on Iraq was, we were
told, because Saddam Hussain “conspired” to produce “weapons of mass destruction.”
The Bush Administration took this Nation to war in the Mid-east based upon the
result of a “CONSPIRACY.” The question that needs to be asked was whether that
“CONSPIRACY” was foreign or “domestic.”

(15) The 9/11 attack was the result of a “CONSPIRACY,” we were told, because
Osama Bin Laden, who was hiding in a cave in Afghanistan, “conspired” with
others to attack the U.S. Therefore, over 3,000 Americans were Killed at the
Twin Towers as a result of a “CONSPIRACY.”

(16) The crimes of President Nixon’s Watergate, which violated our Constitutional
Laws, were the result of a “CONSPIRACY.”

(17) When President Johnson went on national TV and lied to the American people
by telling them that two American naval ships were attacked by North Vietnamese
gunboats at the Gulf of Tonkin, in order to increase and expand American military
commitment to the war in Vietnam, were the result of a “CONSPIRACY.”

(18) In 1976 the U.S. House of Representatives formed a committee, The House
Select Committee on Assassinations, to reinvestigate the assassination of 
President Kennedy as well as to investigate the murder of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. After over two years of investigation, this legally formed
Committee of the United States House of Representatives issued a “Report,”
to the American people, indicating that both President Kennedy and Dr. King
were both assassinated as a result of “CONSPIRACIES.”

(19) This House Report indicated that the Warren Commission and its Report
were “wrong, incorrect and invalid.” Are we to assume that the “members” of
this legally formed, legitimate committee of the United States House of
Representatives were “CONSPIRACY THEORISTS??”

(20) Therefore, as one can see, unlawful “CONSPIRACIES” do exist anywhere
and everywhere on this planet, when people seek to gain “power, control
and/or massive profits of wealth” or when the word “CONSPIRACY” allows
political leaders to “take” a nation to war. But according to Fox News,
MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and, and in fact, all of our “National News
Media, as well as within the realm of our Government,” CONSPIRACIES do
NOT take place in the United States.

(21) It seems that our National News Media believes “conspiracies” just do
Not happen here in America, but instead happen only in foreign countries.
Here in America, where we are told “CONSPIRACIES” do NOT exist, JFK was
killed simply because “a Crazy Lone Nut” wanted to get into the history
books and wanted his “15 minutes of fame,” although Oswald “refused” to
take credit for the murder of JFK, stating that “he did Not kill the
President, but instead was a “patsy,”

(22) If Lee Harvey Oswald were telling the truth, he was indicating that
he was being “set up” by others who killed JFK.” Oswald was trying to
tell the American people that JFK was killed as a result of a “CONSPIRACY.”
It seems that was why he had to be killed, for he could never be allowed
to testify at a trial.

(23) After the assassination of JFK, the Warren Commission, the Dallas
Police, the FBI, the Justice Department and the National News Media
VIOLATED every LEGAL RIGHT granted to Lee Harvey Oswald by this
Nation’s Constitution, its Bill of Rights and under Judicial Law.

(24) When Jack Ruby was interviewed by two news reporters who taped the
interview, he said that “the people who have put me in the position I am
in will never allow the Truth to come above board. A whole new Government
is going to take over this country and I will not live to see it happen.”

(25) Jack Ruby was telling the American people that the murder of JFK was the
result of a “CONSPIRACY”, that powerful people had planned both the murder
of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald and that he, Ruby, was controlled by these
CONSPIRATORS and was part of the “CONSPIRACY.”

(26) Jack Ruby begged and pleaded to be taken out of Dallas and to Washington
so that he could safely tell what he knew about the murder of JFK. He told
Chief Justice Earl Warren that “his life was in danger here in Dallas, that
he wanted to tell the truth but he could not tell it here (in Dallas).” But
the Warren Commission, the FBI, Congress, Lyndon Johnson and our National
News Media “stood down” and did nothing to allow Ruby to be taken to
Washington to tell all that he knew about the murder of JFK.

(27) When one hears people referring to other concerned Americans as
“CONSPIRACY THEORISTS,” these people are using the very “terminology”
created by the “CIA” to label, criticize, discredit and diminish those
Americans who love their country and care about their children’s future
enough to ask question and demand answers from their “Government.”

As Thomas Jefferson once said, “If you expect a Nation to be “ignorant”
and remain “free,” you expect what “never” was and “never” will be.”

When you kill a President, you “change” the course of American and World
History. The shots fired at JFK were shots fired at our “Constitution,”
at our very “Bill of Rights,” at the very foundation of our Democracy.

If President Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert
Kennedy were all killed for “political reasons,” and if individuals
within our government have conducted a “cover-up” of the Truth, then
the whole fabric of our “Democracy” and the “future Liberties, Freedoms
and Security” of our Children have been and are in “grave danger.”