by Prof. Joseph Valvano

“Our country today sits at the very crossroads between
Freedom and totalitarian rule. If a majority of Americans
do not soon understand this reality and help to turn the
tide toward Freedom, they ultimately will have no choice
but to understand it, at a time when it will be too late
to do anything about it.”
Former Secretary of the Treasury William E. Simon

Although there have been a number of claims over the years
since JFK’s assassination, that Lyndon B Johnson was deeply
involved in the murder of JFK, most establishment journalists
and those who support the “Coincidence Theorists” claims that
Lee Harvey Oswald, acted all alone in killed JFK, simply do
not accept these claims.

But most of these people have done little to NO deep research
into the connections between Lyndon Johnson and the Military /
Intelligence Complex, as well as his criminal Mafia connections.


(1) In the year before JFK’s Assassination Lyndon Johnson was
facing three major scandals that were a major threat to his
political career and to his position as Vice-President. Also,
if he were to be found guilty of participating in the criminal
activities surrounding these scandals, Lyndon Johnson faced
the possibility of going to jail.

(2) The first of these scandals was that of Billy Sol Estes’s being
investigated by a congressional committee for charges of fraud
and misappropriation of state and federal government funds.
The links between Estes and Lyndon Johnson were beginning to
be investigated, whereby Johnson may have financially benefited
from the fraudulent activities of Estes, which was a criminal act.

(3) The second scandal that was threatening Johnson’s political career
was that of the TFX scandal, whereby Boeing and General Dynamics
were seeking the federal contract to build the TFX fighter jet air-
plane. General Dynamics, of Texas got the contract, but it was
later found that General Dynamics filed “false” information
that helped them to get the contract. Congress was investigating
Johnson’s role in helping General Dynamics to get the TFX contract,
knowing of the false documentation.

(4) The third scandal that threatened to destroy Johnson’s political
career and possibly send him to jail was that of Bobby Baker,
whereby a congressional committee was investigating Baker for
misappropriation of government funds, as well as bribery and
arranging sexual favors in exchange for political votes and
government contracts. Baker was very close to Johnson, who
referred to Baker as “the son I never had.” There were
existing allegations that Johnson had financially benefited
from Bobby Baker’s criminal activity.

(5) Lyndon Johnson was aware of the fact that John and Robert
Kennedy did not intend to have him on the 1964 Presidential
ticket, so Johnson not only faced the great possibility of criminal
charges that could ruin his political career and put him in jail, but
he was going to loose his position of political power as Vice
President as well. In this case he would not be able to protect
himself from these congressional investigations by being in the
office of the Vice President.

(6) In Texas, there was a major problem within the Democratic Party
because Gov. John Connally and Sen. Ralph Yarborough were at
great odds with each other and this was raising a problem for the
1964 election. President Kennedy asked Lyndon Johnson to go to
Texas and fix the problem, but Johnson “refused” to go  and
demanded that he, John Kennedy, go instead.

(7)In fact, it was VP Johnson who suggested a “motorcade” through
the city of Dallas. He was even involved in suggesting the motorcade
route through Dallas. Johnson also tried hard to have his good friend,
Gov. Connally ride in his motorcar and have Sen. Yarborough ride with
JFK, but Kennedy refused to do this.

(8) According to Madeleine Brown, Johnson’s mistress of 16 years, the
day before JFK was murdered, she was with Johnson when he attended
a private meeting of high profile political people. When he came
out of that meeting, being very angry and red faced, he came up to
her and said, “After tomorrow, I won’t have to worry about those
bastard Kennedy’s embarrassing me anymore and that’s not a threat,
that’s a promise!!”

(9) Ms. Brown also stated that at the Driskill Hotel on Dec. 31,
1963 she asked Johnson, “if he had anything to do with JFK’s murder?”
She said that Johnson got angry, waving his arms around and told her
that “it was Texas oilmen and renegade intelligence agents who were
behind JFK’s assassination.”


(1) In the motorcade in Dealey Plaza, before Lyndon Johnson’s motorcar
made the turn from Houston Street onto Elm Street and before any
shots were fired, witnesses viewing the motorcade stated that
Lyndon Johnson “disappeared from view” in the back seat of his
motorcar. When shots were fired at JFK, Lyndon Johnson was still
“missing from view” in the back seat of his motorcar and this can
be seen in a picture taken by James Altgens of the Associated Press.

(2) In writing to the Warren Commission Johnson explained that when
shots were fired, SS agent Rufus Youngblood sitting in the front seat,
jumped over the top of his seat and pushed him (LBJ) down to the
floor. In fact, Johnson later brought SS agent Youngblood to the
White House and publicly gave him an award for possibly saving his

(3) Senator Ralph Yarborough, who was sitting in the back seat with
LBJ and ladybird Johnson, stated that this “never happened, that SS
Agent Youngblood “never” jumped over his seat and “never” pushed
LBJ to the floor of the motorcar!!”

(4) What Sen. Yarborough did say was that “LBJ was “ducking down” in
the motorcar and talking into a “walkie-talkie” devise that LBJ
was holding!! Also, in support of Sen. Yarborough, not one of the
400 witnesses standing in Dealey Plaza ever claimed that they saw
SS Agent Youngblood jump over the front seat and push Johnson to
the floor of the motorcar.

(5) It is also important to keep in mind that the automobile that LBJ was
riding in was NOT a large, specially made Vice Presidential limousine.
Instead, the automobile was a rented 1964 Lincoln 4 door convertible
which was NOT an extremely roomy automobile, especially in the
second row of seats where Lyndon Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson and
Senator Ralph Yarborough were all sitting next to each other.

(6) As one could see from the photos taken of LBJ’s automobile in the
motorcade, there was simply NO ROOM in the second row of seats
for SS Agent Youngblood to jump into that second row of seats, push
LBJ to the floor and cover LBJ with his (Youngblood’s) body. Such a
claim strains all Logic and Reason to the point of ABSURIDITY.
Such a claim was a complete LIE and would never have held up
to an analysis in a court of law. 


(I) After JFK was murdered, when Vice President Lyndon Johnson got onto
the Presidential airplane, Air Force I, he refused to allow this airplane
to leave Dallas and fly back to Washington, D.C., until AFTER he was sworn
in as the “NEW” President of the United States.

(2) Lyndon Johnson “KNEW” that, if he were sworn in as the NEW President,
he, Johnson, would be able to make important decisions in dealing with
the murder and even the investigation that would have to be done in
dealing with JFK’s assassination.

(3) As President, Lyndon Johnson would be able to seek to assert the power
of the Presidency over anything and everything dealing with the death of
JFK, and he did just that by issuing Executive Order # 11130, four days
after JFK’s murder, which allowed President Johnson to hand pick a
Presidential Commission, to investigate the assassination of JFK.

(4) By being sworn in as President, immediately after JFK’s murder and
doing so BEFORE getting to Washington, D.C., this allowed Johnson, as
President to be able to block the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, from
interfering with or taking over in any way, the investigation into the
murder of his BROTHER, President Kennedy.


(1) In 1963, the murder of an existing President was NOT a Federal crime,
which meant that, if a President were murdered in a given State within
this country, according to State Law, that given State had full, complete
jurisdiction over the body and the investigation into the murder of that

(2) Therefore, when President Johnson issued Executive Order # 11130,
which called for HIM to appoint a “hand picked” Presidential Commission
to investigate the murder of JFK, this constituted the commission of a
criminal act, because it violated the Constitutional Laws of the State
of Texas, which gave Texas the legal jurisdiction to carry out the
investigation into the assassination of JFK.

(3) Also, by issuing Executive order # 11130, Lyndon Johnson blocked
any Congressional or INDEPENDENT investigations into the murder of
President Kennedy. This assured that the investigation into the murder
of JFK would be under the complete control of new President Lyndon
Johnson and his “HAND PICKED” Presidential” Commission, which would,
conveniently, conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald acted ALONE in killing

(4) If a CONSPIRACY had been suspected or existed to kill President
Kennedy, then the investigation into JFK’s murder would have become
the “responsibility” of the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT and as Attorney General
of the Justice Department, Robert Kennedy would have been in charge
of the INVESTIGATION into his BROTHER, President Kennedy’s murder.

(5) This condition could NOT be allowed to happen, so by the FBI and
the Dallas Police Department both claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald was
the lone assassin of President Kennedy and NO conspiracy existed to
kill JFK, this kept the investigation into the murder of JFK out of
the hands of Attorney General Robert Kennedy and the Justice Depart-

(6) With Lyndon Johnson being sworn in as President BEFORE leaving
Dallas, Texas, and with his issuing Presidential Executive Order
# 11130, which essentially “HIJACKED” the complete investigation
into the assassination of JFK out of the hands of the State of
Texas, thereby blocking any Congressional and/or independent
investigations into the murder of JFK:

(a) Those who killed President Kennedy were able to NEUTRALIZE
any and all threats to bringing out the TRUTH of JFK’s assassination
to the American people.

(7) All of these actions saved the political career of Lyndon
Johnson, ended any Congressional investigations into the possible
criminal activity of Lyndon Johnson, which could have put Johnson
in prison, elevated him to the office of the Presidency and gave
Lyndon Johnson his “legitimate” place in American history.


(1) On Nov. 20, two day before JFK was murdered, 7 of his cabinet members
met in Hawaii at what was known as the “Honolulu Conference.” JFK’s
NSAM #263, which indicated to the Joint Chiefs of Staff that JFK intended
to remove American military presence from Vietnam after the 1964 election,
was discussed and people at this meeting were not happy about NSAM #263.

(2) On Nov. 21, one day after this meeting in Hawaii, NSAM #273 was drafted
which “reversed” NSAM #263 and recommitted what would be over
2,000,000 American troops to what would become a 12 year war in
Vietnam. On Nov. 26th, “New” President Lyndon Johnson issued NSAM
#273, expanding  the War in Vietnam.

(3) But on Nov, 21, JFK was still the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.
How could NSAM #273, which REVERSED JFK’s NSAM #263, which called for an
end to the U.S. commitment to a land WAR in Southeast Asia, have been
clear indication that “POWERFUL” forces knew that JFK would NOT be
ALIVE, after his trip to Dallas on November 22, 1963.


(A) From all of the above, many questions must be asked in order to
establish the TRUTH, concerning the assassination of JFK, for the TRUE
record of history, which includes the following:

1. In order to save his political career and keep himself from possibly
going to prison, did Lyndon Johnson participate in a “conspiracy” to
assassinate JFK? The only way LBJ could have been able to protect
himself and control or put a stop to any further investigation into his
possible criminal activities was to obtain the “Office of the Presidency.”

2. Did powerful individuals know that JFK would “not” be President
after November 22, 1963 and in fact, did they draft NSAM #273
(dated Nov.21st) to keep in place their taking this Nation to war
in Vietnam?

3. Before JFK’s trip to Dallas, why did all but two of the SS agents
assigned to the White House Detail to protect JFK ask for and receive
transfers off the Detail? Why did JFK go to Dallas with “new” SS agent
assigned to protect him, including the driver, William Greer and the
head of the White House Detail for the Dallas trip, Roy Kellerman, who
was also sitting in the front seat of the motorcar?

4. As shots were fired, why did SS agent Greer slow the motorcar down
to almost a complete stop? Why did SS agent Greer and Kellerman “duck
down” towards the dashboard of the motorcar when “shots” were fired at
JFK, rather than take action to protect the President and the First Lady,
as they were sworn to do?

5. Why were Secret Service agents suddenly removed from the sides and
from the back bumper of JFK’s motorcar for this motorcade through Dallas,
something that was never was done in previous motorcades? Although the
Secret Service claimed that JFK demanded that this be done, this was a
false claim for JFK never demanded this in Dallas or at any other time.
Also, a President does not have the power to dictate to the Secret Service
how they should, can or will protect him.

6. When this “new team” of Secret Service agents removed JFK’s body
from Parkland Memorial Hospital at gunpoint, thereby, committing a
crime by violating Texas State Laws, was this a “hijacking” of  the
President’s body in order to prevent the documentation of the true
nature of the bullet wounds to JFK’s body? If so, then powerful forces
were at work on Nov. 22 1963 to overthrow the existing Presidential

7. Why is it that “8 experienced doctors” at Parkland Hospital who
medically treated JFK, indicate that from the wounds they saw, the
shots that wounded and killed JFK came from the “front” of the
President’s car, which was direct “medical evidence” that  a
“conspiracy” existed to kill JFK? 

8. Why were these doctors “threatened” by their superior,  Dr. Charles
Baxter, that “if any doctor revealed what he had seen here at Parkland
Hospital, his medical career would be destroyed!!”

9. When LBJ “refused” to allow the Presidential airplane to leave
Dallas until HE was sworn in as President, was this done to allow
LBJ to take control of any investigation into JFK’s murder that was
sure to come?

10. Also, if a “conspiracy” was thought to have existed in the murder
of JFK at that time, the investigation would have to have been turned
over to the Justice Department. The Attorney General of the Justice
Department was “Robert Kennedy, who would then have been in charge of
investigating who killed his “BROTHER!!” Would powerful forces have
ever allowed this to happen?

11. When JFK was assassinated,  there was no federal law in place that
determined that the murder of a  President  of the United States was
a Federal Crime. Therefore, whatever state that the President was murdered
in, would  have legal jurisdiction to  investigate the President’s murder,
including control of the medical autopsy of the President’s body.

12. Since President Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas, the State of
Texas had full, legal jurisdiction over the investigation into JFK’s
murder as well as  his body. So why did London Johnson violate the
Constitutional Laws of the State of Texas by issuing  Executive  Order
11130, which established the formation of his “hand-picked” Presidential
Commission, the Warren Commission?  Why did he issue a Presidential 
Executive Order that illegally blocked any State or Congressional
investigation into the assassination of JFK?

13. Was the Warren Commission put in place to hand the American people
a set of lies, falsehoods, distortions and disinformation and to put
any existing information that would prove a conspiracy existed to kill
JFK under Government seal in order to keep that information from the
American people and to ultimately take this Nation to War in Vietnam?

14. Was the WC put in place to help prevent the State of Texas or the
Justice Department from doing a more honest investigation that would have
established that a “conspiracy” existed to kill JFK, just as “The
House Select Committee on Assassinations” concluded after its 2 year
investigation into the murders of both JFK and MLK in 1978.

15. Why were the findings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations,
a legally formed committee of Congress, which in 1978 concluded that
conspiracies existed to kill both JFK and MLK, completely ignored by
our national news media and by the U.S. Justice Department for the past
36 years?

16. Why has this privately owned national news media continued to support
the illegally formed Warren Commission whose inception was based upon the
violation of the State Laws of Texas, which, in itself, constituted the
commission of a “criminal act.”

President Kennedy once said:

“The great Enemy of the Truth is very often not the Lie which is
Deliberate, Contrived and Dishonest, but instead the Myth
which is Persistent, Persuasive and Unrealistic!!

(1) The historical record indicates that to truly understand the
reasons why our Nation has suffered through such crises as a
12 year war in Vietnam; an 18+ year war in Iraq and Afghanistan;
the murders of Robert Kennedy and Dr. King,Jr.; Pres. Nixon
and Watergate; the bombing of the Federal Bldg. in Oklahoma City;
the events of 9/11; the continual financial crisis that has
devastated our Nation’s economy and raped our Nation’s National
Treasury; one MUST come to understand the real reasons concerning
how and why President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas
on November 22, 1963.

(2) From all the honest, factual information and documentation that
is known and available, President Kennedy’s assassination was a
“public execution,” an overthrow of the Executive Branch of the
U.S. Government.

(3) The “shots” fired at JFK in Dallas was an assault
against the American people and their children, an attack against
our Constitution, an attack against our very “Bill of Rights.”

(4) The shots fired at JFK were shots fired at the “very
foundation” of our Democracy, which rests upon the belief that
“only the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth” can
preserve and protect those liberties and freedoms which we, as
a nation, hold so dear.

I believe that the findings of the House Select Committee on
Assassinations in 1979, indicating that JFK and MLK were murdered
due to “conspiracies,” MUST be followed up by a further investigation
to establish the TRUE record for history, as well as for the protection
of the Liberties, the Freedoms and the Security of our CHILDREN and their
children for generations to come.