Examining the “Pancake Theory” and the “Raging Fires” as Reasons for the Collapse of the Twin Towers Continues to Expose Lies and Distortions of the Truth in Dealing with 9/11.

by Prof. Joseph Valvano

“In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted
influence…by the Military / Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous
rise of “misplaced power” exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of
this combination endanger our Liberties and Democratic processes. We should take
NOTHING  for GRANTED. … the power of money is ever present and is to be gravely
regarded. … we must be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy
could, itself, become the captive of a Scientific / Technological Elite.”
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower in his Farewell Address.

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a
little of their Freedoms at a time, to erode Rights by a thousand tiny imperceptible
reductions. In this way the people will not see their Rights and Freedoms being
removed, until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”
Adolf Hitler

“The Enemy of the National Security State is the Pursuit and the Establishment
of the Truth.”
Prof. Joseph  Valvano


(1) In seeking to explain to the American people what caused the destruction of the
Twin Towers on 9/11, the U.S. Government, The 9/11 Commission, the National News
Media and the “Coincidence Theorists” have offered the following explanations:

(A)  The “Pancake Theory,” whereby each floor of the Twin Towers collapsed down upon
the floor below it in quick succession, caused both Towers to DISINTEGRATE completely
to the ground in approximately 8 and 10 seconds.

(B)  The “Raging Fires” in the Twin Towers caused such massive heat that it DISINTEGRATED
“200,000 tons” of construction steel, “thousands of tons” of concrete, “thousands of tons”
of metal office equipment, “thousands of tons” of metal piping, nearly 3,000 human bodies
and caused the Twin Towers to crumble to the ground in approximately “8” and “10” seconds.

(2) Such claims defy the Laws of GRAVITY, MOTION, FORCE and CHEMISTRY. Such claims
defy all LOGIC, all REASON, all FACT BASED RESEARCH and  all TRUTH to the point
of absolute ABSURDITY.


(1) As a Nation, we have willingly accepted, without question, all of these FALSE claims

(a) by a Presidential Commission whose Chairman was hand picked by a President,
who lied and misled this Nation into a 17+ year WAR in the Mideast with no end in

(b) by a Government, that the recent  2016 “Presidential Candidates” from both
the Republican and Democratic parties had told the American people, “lies to us,”
“steals from us,” “cheats us,” “cannot be trusted,” “is controlled by Corporate
Interests” and which is a “broken Government.”

(c) by a privately owned National News Media that has compromised its integrity by
supporting WARS that this Nation had been lied and misled into both in Vietnam and
now in the Mideast.

(2) Instead of questioning all the claims dealing with 9/11 and demanding
a full, INDEPENDENT investigation of all the facts concerning 9/11, the
American people simply allowed a President to order the military to BOMB
and INVADE two Sovereign Countries, for what has become a 17+ year WAR,
which was never declared by CONGRESS and which was based upon what is
now been claimed to have been lies, falsehoods, propaganda and misleading
disinformation that took this nation to WAR in the Mideast.

(3) All of this, also, led to the establishment by Government of both the
have turned this Nation into what is now being referred to as a


(1) Although the American people were told that the construction of the Twin
Towers was done in an inferior, weak manner, this disinformation was simply
not true. From 1972, when the construction of the Twin Towers was completed,
these two buildings withstood WIND FORCES / PRESSURES greater than the
COLLISION FORCES generated against these buildings by the two commercial
jet airplanes that hit these buildings on 9/11.

(2) The Twin Towers were each a 3 dimensional network of extremely strong
construction steel consisting of “47” inner core columns and “240” outer core
columns, all very strongly connected by a network of construction steel beams.

(3) Each floor was a network of crisscrossing construction steel beams covered
over by a layer of corrugated construction steel decking. On top of all this
construction steel flooring was a “4” layer of poured Concrete, which all together
gave each of the 220 total floors a tremendous amount of construction steel and
concrete strength and stability. Therefore the 220 floors were “steel floors” not
simply slabs of concrete.

(4) This same construction steel/concrete flooring that existed in the areas around
the “47” construction steel inner core columns consisted of 5″ layers of poured

(5) Each of these construction steel/concrete floorings were welded to the “47” inner
core columns and to the “240” outer core columns. Each floor was further held in
place by “236” stainless steel nuts, bolts and trusses.  Therefore, all 220 floors
contained within the Twin Towers were permanently held together by thousands of
extremely strong construction steel welding’s along with a total of “51,920”
stainless steel nuts, bolts and trusses.

(6) In fact, Mr. Frank De Martini, the head of construction for the World Trade Center,
publicly stated ” that the Twin Towers were designed and built to withstand the crash
of a fully loaded 707 commercial jet airplane.” It was his belief that “the Twin Towers
were so well built that they could withstand even multiple impacts of commercial jet
airliners.”  Mr.  Martini died in the Twin Towers on 9/11.

(7) Four years after the events of 9/11, the New York Fire Department released over
500 recorded statement made by firemen who served on 9/11 and over 100 of these
firemen stated that they heard EXPLOSIONS going off within the Twin Towers before
the Towers collapsed. Because of their belief that explosives caused the Twin Towers
to collapse,  “The Firefighters for 9/11 Truth Association” was formed with hundreds
of firefighters joining as members.

(8) World wide, there were “hundreds of architects and engineers” who did NOT believe
that the Twin Towers collapsed due to the impact of the two commercial jet airplanes
nor the burning of hydrocarbon jet fuel. Because of this, “The Architects & Engineers
for 9/11 Truth Association” was formed with over 1,000 architect and engineers joining
as members.

(9) Internationally, there were many “commercial jet pilots” with thousands of hours
of air flight experience who did not believe that the terrorists who were highly
inexperienced in flying highly technologically advanced commercial jet airplanes
could have ever flown the airplanes used on 9/11 the way they did. Because of this,
“The Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association was formed with hundreds of pilots joining as


(1)  When analyzing the nature of the fires within the Twin Towers, one must consider
the following questions:

(A) What was the “temperature” of the fires?
(B) How much “heat” was generated by the fires?
(C) How much of the buildings were “exposed” to the fires?
(D) For “how long” were the 200,000 tons of construction steel
and the thousands of tons of concrete “exposed” to the fires?

(2) Hydrocarbon Jet Fuel is manufactured to burn at a low temperature no higher
than “1,800” degrees F. for safety purposes, whereby construction steel is capable
of withstanding temperatures in excess of “2,700” degrees F. for hours rather than
just minutes. The temperature (2,700 degrees F.) that construction steel can withstand
is “900” degrees higher than the highest temperature that Hydrocarbon Jet Fuel is
capable of generating,. which is 1,800 degrees F.

(3) In fact, research indicates that the construction steel that was used throughout
the Twin Towers was certified to withstand temperatures of 2,000 degrees F. for up
to 6 hours of exposure by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. It is for this very reason
that “NO” steel constructed buildings on this planet have ever collapsed/disintegrated
to the ground due to a “FIRE” in the History of Architecture and Engineering.

(4) It is extremely important to understand the following:

(A) The North Tower was damaged by American Airlines Flight 11 between the 94th
and 98th floors. So “5” floors or 4.5% of the floors of the North Tower were
damaged by Flight 11 having crashed into it and “105” floors or 95.5% of the
Construction Steel / Concrete floors of the North Tower received NO structural
DAMAGE, were NEVER exposed to any extremely high heat and therefore, were at

(B) The South Tower was damaged by United Airlines Flight 175 between the 78th
and 84th floors. So “7” floors or 6.4% of the floors of the South Tower were
damaged by Flight 175 having crashed into it and “103” floors or 93.6% of the
Construction Steel / Concrete floors of the South Tower received NO structural
DAMAGE, were never exposed to any extremely high heat and therefore, were at
FULL structural strength and stability.

(5) This Nation was lead to believe that based upon damage done to just “5” floors
(4.5%) of the North Tower and just “7” floors (6.4%) of the South Tower and with
“105” floors (95.5%) of the North Tower and “103” floors (93.6%) of the South
Tower being at  FULL structural strength and stability, this low heat burning
temperature of  “Hydrocarbon Jet Fuel,” which is “900” degrees lower than the
temperature needed to even begin to compromise Construction Steel was able to
DISINTEGRATE the Twin Towers completely to the ground.

(6) But when this same HYDROCARBON JET FUEL is contained within a commercial
jet airplane that crashes to Earth,  this same jet fuel CANNOT disintegrate
the metal shell of that airplane, CANNOT disintegrate the  passenger seats
of that airplane, CANNOT disintegrate the metal equipment of that airplane
and CANNOT cremate / disintegrate the bodies of the human passengers on that

(7) Yet  this same HYDROCARBON JET FUEL was able to turn hundreds of thousands of
tons of Concrete into dust and powder, turn much of the “200,000 tons” of Construction
Steel used within the Twin Towers into small pieces of steel and “metal shrapnel,”
cause over 3,000 dead human bodies to disappear and cause these two buildings 110
story buildings to DISINTEGRATE to the ground in “8” seconds and “10” seconds, as
if the buildings had gone through a “shredding machine.”

(8)  Even though a massive amount of Jet Fuel from the commercial airplane that hit
the South Tower was burned OUTSIDE of the South Tower, as can be seen from the two
massive balls of “black and orange” smoke and fire that came out of the South Tower
when it was hit;  the South Tower crumbled in “56 minutes” after being hit, which
was “47 minutes” SOONER than the North Tower, which stood for “103 minutes” and
which held way more Low Heat Burning Hydrocarbon Jet Fuel than the South Tower did,
after they were hit.

(9) In the North Tower, if it took “1” second (which would be scientifically absurd)
for each floor to “pancake” down upon the next floor below it, breaking thousands of
extremely strong construction steel welding’s and breaking “25,960” stainless steel
nuts, bolts and trusses of 110 floors, SIMULTANIOUSLY,” all at the very same time,
it would have taken a total of 110 seconds (110 floors) or “1 minute and 50 seconds”
for all the floors of the North Tower to fall to the ground. But the North Tower fell
to the ground in “8” seconds, which it could NEVER have done, unless the North
Tower went into “FREE FALL,” which it NEVER could have done.

(10) The very SAME explanation would have to be repeated in EXACTLY the same
way for the South Tower = 110 floors = 110 seconds = “1 minute and 50 seconds.”
But the South Tower fell to the ground in “10” seconds all due to low heat
burning hydrocarbon jet fuel, a Scientific, Mathematical, Engineering and

(11) Scientifically, Mathematically and Chemically there is no way that the
Low Heat Burning Temperature of Hydrocarbon Jet Fuel (1,800 degrees F.) could
cause 220 floors of the Twin Towers (2 Bldgs.=220 floors) to “SIMULTANEOUSLY”
break thousands of extremely strong steel welding’s holding up 220 steel/ concrete
floors, along with a total of “51,920” outer core extremely sturdy construction
stainless steel nuts, bolts and trusses, as well as “10,340” central core column
stainless steel nuts, bolts and trusses, causing these two buildings to collapse
to the ground in “8” and “10” seconds” respectively.

(12) Such a scenario was chemically impossible, especially when NONE of the parts
of these Buildings were EVER exposed to any “extremely high heat temperatures”
at or above “2,700” degrees F., a heat that could have possibly compromised the
steel structures, after some “hours” of exposure to that extremely high heat,
something that the “Low Heat Burning” temperatures of HYDROCARBON JET FUEL
(1,800 degrees F.) could never have done, especially with this low heat exposure
of only “56 minutes” for the South Tower and “103 minutes” for the North Tower .

(13) There is absolutely NO scientific, chemical way that low heat burning Hydrocarbon
jet fuel can turn thousands of tons of Concrete used in the Twin Towers into powder.
If one accepts the “Pancake Theory,” then there should have been at least a “massive
pile” of crisscrossing steel beams, corrugated steel decking and concrete flooring
stacked one on top the other for at least “30 to 40” feet high at the foundation of
each of the TWIN TOWERS.

(14) But there were NO stacked, crisscrossing steel beams, corrugated steel decking
and concrete  flooring at the foundation of the Twin Towers,  especially because
“thousands of tons” of the concrete used within the Twin Towers was destroyed,
turned into POWDER, while still in the air, before it ever hit the ground.

(15) Low heat burning Hydrocarbon  jet fuel could NEVER  cause tons of concrete
to “burst into powder,” whether it was in the air or in any other way. Neither
could this low heat temperature  burning Jet Fuel  “melt,  vaporize or turn into
shrapnel” tons of flooring of construction steel crisscrossing beams or corrugated
steel decking or turn this construction steel   into “little metal pieces.”

(16) One would expect that if the 220  Steel/Concrete floors from both buildings
had fallen to the ground, these Steel/Concrete floors would have broken into
massive amounts of large and small chunks of concrete pieces and massive
amounts of bent and twisted “steel crisscrossing beams” and “corrugated steel
decking,” covering a very large area of the ground around the foundation of each
of the buildings, due to their having fallen to the ground.

(17) But of  the “thousands of  tons” of the 220 Steel/Concrete floors, there
were very few pieces of massive chunks of “concrete flooring,” bent and twisted
” crisscrossing steel flooring beams” or  220 layers of “corrugated steel decking”
found anywhere at  ground level around the foundations of each building or anywhere
else at the Twin Towers site. What happened to the TONS of 220 crisscrossing  STEEL
beams, the TONS of 220 layers of corrugated steel decking and the TONS  of 220 layers
of “4 and 5 inch” layers of CONCRETE?

(18) According to well researched information, after about one year of cleanup at
the World Trade Center site, approximately 1 1/2 to  2 million tons of debris from
the Twin Towers had been removed, which ultimately completed the debris removal
at the site. But the estimated total tonnage of the Twin Towers was approximately
3 1/2 billion tons.

(19) It is a scientific, mathematical, engineering and chemical impossibility
that low heat burning temperatures of HYDROCARBON JET FUEL could make
approximately “1 1/2 to 2  billion tons” of debris from the destruction
of the Twin Towers simply disappear into thin air, let alone turn 1 1/2
to 2 million tons of construction steel, concrete, metal office equipment,
metal piping and steel /concrete  flooring into dust, powder and tiny,
microscopic pieces of metal. Only extremely high heat EXPLOSIVES could do
something like this.

(20) Since the human body becomes CREMATED, turned into ashes, at a temperature
at or above “3,000” degrees F. and since the highest temperature of Hydrocarbon
Jet Fuel is “1,800” degrees F., jet fuel CANNOT  cremate or vaporize the human
body. So where did the bodies of nearly “3,000” Americans go? What would cause
nearly “3,000” human bodies to turn into little MICROSCOPIC bits and pieces or
be made to “DISAPPEAR” (vaporize). If the human body is crushed, it will still

(21)  With nearly “3,000” dead, smashed and torn human bodies contained within
the debris of the Twin Towers there should have been “massive” amounts of BLOOD
within the debris of the Twin Towers, but there was almost “NO BLOOD” found
within the debris of the Towers.

(22)  Also, with nearly “3,000” crushed dead bodies contained within the massive
debris of the Twin Towers, there should have been an “UNBEARABLE  ODOR” of
decaying dead human bodies, but there was NO unbearable  ODOR coming from
“3,000” decaying dead bodies at ground zero.. The only way there could have
been NO odor was if there were VERY FEW or NO dead human bodies contained
within the debris of the Twin Towers. So where were the nearly “3,000”

(23) The only “ENERGY” that could have caused the damage that was done at the
TWIN TOWERS  was massive “HIGH HEAT ENERGY” that could cause such damage to
these buildings that over “200,000” TONS of construction steel could be turned
into SHRAPNEL, that thousands of tons of concrete could be PULVERIZED into powder,
that “thousands of tons” of metal office equipment could be SHREDDED into small
pieces of metal and that “3,000” human bodies could disappear or be turned into
MICROSCOPIC body parts, such that both buildings looked like they went through a

(24) Besides the fact that collapsing floors of the Twin Towers “PANCAKING” down
to the ground in “8 “and “10” seconds violates the Laws of GRAVITY, MOTION, FORCE,
Engineering and Chemistry, if such a thing had been able to happen, a VACUUM of
little or no air would have been created OVER the center of the 110 collapsing
floors in both building, as the floors dropped down, and much of the powder and
building materials would have been SUCKED in towards the CENTER of the Twin
Towers, where a VACUUM of little or no air would have  been  created due to  the
falling floors pushing down on the air below them,  all the way down to the
foundations.But this did NOT happen.

(25) Instead, most of the debris of the Twin Towers, including construction steel
beams were VIOLENTLY expelled “out and away” from the falling floors in all
directions. The Twin Towers were obeying the Laws of Gravity and Motion, which
apply when VIOLENT, HIGH HEAT EXPLOSIVES rip and tear two buildings apart,
violently throwing massive amounts of building debris away from the two
buildings in all directions, all the way down to their foundations.

(26) It was found that smoke, steam and  high heat in excess of over “2,000”
degrees F. was registered coming from the rubble below the foundations of both
buildings and it was indicated that this high heat lasted for weeks. In fact,
firemen on the scene sprayed water on the rubble for a number of days in order
to try to cool it down. Even after “5 days” of spraying water on the rubble,
the HEAT in some spots were enough to actually MELT aluminum.

(27) There was no way that low heat burning  HYDROCARBON jet fuel could have ever
created or generated that much heat within the rubble, allowing such high heat to
exist within the rubble of the Twin Towers for weeks.  Only high energy, high heat
EXPLOSIVES could have accounted for this condition to exist at the Twin Towers.

(28) As stated before, when a Commercial Jet Airplane crashes to Earth, that same
low heat temperature burning Hydrocarbon Jet Fuel cannot MELT or DISINTEGRATE
the hollow metal shell of the airplane, it cannot DISINTEGRATE the passenger
seats of the airplane, it cannot turn all the metal equipment on the airplane
into tiny pieces of metal, and that same jet fuel CANNOT cremate or vaporize
the bodies of the passengers on that airplane. The bodies of the passengers
may be in parts due to hitting the Earth, but the bodies are “THERE” at the
crash site.

(29) But that SAME JET FUEL can disintegrate “200,000” tons of construction steel,
simultaneously break thousands of steel welding’s along with “51,920” stainless
steel nuts, bolts and trusses, pulverize thousands of tons of concrete, turn tons
of metal office equipment and construction steel beams into shrapnel, DISINTEGRATE
/ CREMATE  “3,000” human bodies and make two 110 story buildings DISINTEGRATE to
the ground in exactly the same way in “8” and “10” seconds.


(1) On 9/11, at approximately 8:47 A.M. American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North
Tower near its center, between the 94th and 98th floors, leaving a gaping hole
where flight 11 had entered the building. At about 9:03 A.M. United Airlines
Flight 175 hit the corner edge of the South Tower between the 78th and the 84th
floor, also leaving a gaping hole where Flight 175 entered the building.

(2) With each airplane carrying an estimated 12,000 to 20,000 gallons of jet
fuel, a large amount of jet fuel was consumed in a large fireball outside the
North Tower and in two massive fireballs outside the South Tower. Also, a large
amount of unignited  fuel went down the elevator shafts located on the floors
of both buildings, doing little or no damage to the buildings.

(3) With the highest temperature burn of 1,800 degrees F. for Hydrocarbon Jet
Fuel and with Construction Steel having the tensile strength and the ability
to withstand heat temperatures up to “2,700” degrees F., there was simply NOT
enough heat generated by this HYDROCARBON burning Jet Fuel to be able to do
all the damage that was done to each of the Twin Towers that would cause them
to collapse in “8” and “10” seconds.

(4) Once again, when a Commercial Jet Airplane crashes to earth, that same
HYDROCARBON Jet Fuel cannot DISINTEGRATE the hollow metal shell of the
airplane, it cannot DISINTEGRATE the passenger seats of the airplane, it does
not turn all the metal equipment on the airplane into tiny pieces of SHRAPNEL
and that same Jet Fuel CANNOT cremate or vaporize the bodies of the passengers
on that airplane. But that same Jet Fuel can do all the DAMAGE that it did to the
Twin Towers andcause the 110 stories of the two buildings to collapse to the ground
in “8” and “10” seconds on 9/11?

(5) The South Tower collapsed within “56 minutes” of being hit and the North Tower
collapsed within “103 minutes” of being hit. Not only was there  NOT  enough “Heat”
generated by  burning HYDROCARBON Jet Fuel to cause the Twin Towers to collapse,
but there was NOT enough “EXPOSURE TIME” for the existing low heat generated by
low burning  HYDROCARBON JET FUEL to do any damage that would cause 200,000
tons of steel constructed buildings with thousands of tons of  Concrete, metal
piping, metal office equipment and nearly 3,000 human bodies to be turned into
dust, powder and microscopic little pieces, as well as for the Twin Towers to
collapse within “8” and “10” seconds.

(6) If one studies the various pictures and films of the North and South Towers
within 10 or so minutes after the buildings were hit, what one sees at the OPENINGS
in the both buildings, where Flight 11 and Flight 175 entered the North and South
Towers, were NOT “RAGING FIRES” at the openings. What one sees are two fireless
“BLACK HOLES” with “BLACK SMOKE” pouring out of each opening, which means that,
other than a few small pockets of fires in a few locations, the “Raging Fires”

(7) How could there be NO “Raging Fires” at the entrance of these holes, where
OXYGEN from the air is pouring into the open holes, which would have been
feeding these fires in the two buildings, where the two Airplanes had entered?
The fact is that the “Raging Fires” had already burned themselves  out. And the
deeper one goes into the buildings on these floors, there is even LESS OXYGEN
available to feed “RAGING FIRES.”

(8)  It must be understood that that those hundreds of Firemen who entered
the Twin Towers to save  human lives and those in charge of ordering them
into the Twin Towers were PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS. These highly
professional fire fighters did NOT mindlessly run into the Twin Towers
in some foolishly, ridiculous way. The assessment of these PROFESSIONAL
FIREFIGHTERS was that the Twin Towers were NOT unsafe to enter based
upon what hit the Twin Towers, how they were hit, where they were hit
and the type of fire (low heat burning HYDROCARBON jet fuel) the fire-
fighters were dealing with, within the Twin Towers.

(9) Based upon the professional assessments by professional firefighters,
there was  no risk that that the Twin Towers would ultimately crumble and
collapse completely to the ground in 8 and 10 seconds. These professional
fighters had to be aware that FIRES had NEVER caused the collapse of STEEL
/ CONCRETE constructed buildings in the history of building engineering.

(10) Within weeks of 9/11, it was claimed that the New York Times revealed the
existence of a “78 minute audio tape,” indicating that two NYFD fire fighters
had “SAFELY” reached the “78th floor” of the South Tower. On the tape,
Battalion Chief, Orio J. Palmer, and Fire Marshall Ronald  P. Bucca, stated
that “they had reached the 78th floor of the South Tower and that there
were severely injured people at the crash site (78th floor) with only “two
pockets of fire” there. They also said that “they were hearing “EXPLOSIONS”
in the building.” “Suddenly,” the  South Tower collapsed to the ground in
“10” seconds.

(11) The existence of this “Audio Tape” indicates that the South Tower was
NOT so severely damaged that one could not get to or from the “78th floor.”
The Tape also indicates that the FIRES that Chief Palmer and Fire Marshall
Bucca encountered were “NEITHER intense” nor “out of control” and that
PEOPLE were still ALIVE and NOT  “burned to death and cremated,” as they
would have been, if high heat “RAGING FIRES” above  “2,700” degrees F.
had existed at the crash site of the South Tower.

(12)  After being hit, the North Tower stood for “103 minutes” and the South
Tower stood for “56 minutes.”  Suddenly, the buildings fell in “10” and “8”
seconds respectively. Not only did the fires Not reach Temperatures of over
“2,700” degrees F. in order to compromise the construction steel of the
buildings, but neither did the “Raging Fires” burn for HOURS at “2,700”
degrees F. or higher, which would have been necessary in order to com-
promise the 200,000 tons of construction steel in the buildings. The
fires were “FLASH FIRES” that burned themselves OUT in less than an
HOUR after igniting.

(13) The North Tower was hit at its center above the “93rd floor” and the
South Tower was hit at its edge at the “78th floor,” but both buildings
collapsed in “EXACTLY” the SAME WAY, which violates the Laws of Gravity,
Motion and Force. It would strain the realm of all Logic and Reason to
the point of Absurdity to believe that two 110 story buildings, which
were hit in completely DIFFERENT places, damaged in completely
DIFFERENT places and having burned for DIFFERENT  lengths of times,
could possibly collapse in “EXACTLY” the very SAME way, all the way
down to their foundations.

(14) If one closely studies the pictures and films of the South Tower
soon after it was hit, one will notice that the top “35 to 40 stories”
of the South Tower was beginning to SLIDE OFF of the top of the
South Tower towards one side. But this massive chunk of the South
Tower NEVER crashed to the ground. Instead, this massive chunk of
the South Tower was ENGULFED in a massive cloud of dust, powder
and debris and simply DISAPPEARED” in this massive cloud.

(15) How could at least “35 to 40” stories of THOUSANDS of tons of
building material, steel cores, crisscrossing steel beams, corrugates
steel decking, concrete flooring, metal office equipment and hundreds
of people simply be ENGULFED in a massive cloud of debris and

(16) There are way too many unanswered questions that have never been
asked about the events of 9/11, and these unanswered questions have
done a deep injustice to all those innocent Americans, who were killed
on American soil at the Twin Towers.

(17) This Nation has been taken to WAR for 31 of the last 66 years. The
attacks against the Twin Towers on 9/11 became the “NEW PEARL HARBOR”
which allowed the President of the United States to circumvent the laws
of the U.S. Constitution, which gives the power to “Declare WAR” to
Congress and take this Nation to WAR for what has become 15+ years
and counting, with NO end in sight.


(1) As a Nation, the greatest gift that we could give to honor those who
lost their lives at the Twin Towers on 9/11, would be to “Establish the
TRUTH” concerning what really happened at the Twin Towers on 9/11.

(2) There is no way that  a man hiding in a cave, along with 18 Terrorists,
could have been able to “utterly defeat” the most costly , most power-
ful  MILITARY / INTELLIGENCE COMPLEX on this planet, possessing one
of the most technologically advanced Military Missile Defense Systems
on this planet and successfully attack the United States on 9/11,
causing the collapse of the Twin Towers in 8 and 10 seconds on that
fateful day, killing nearly 3,000 fellow American citizens on American

(3) What the events of 9/11 did do was to act as a “New Pearl Harbor,”
a “Call to War” to rally the Nation to support the Bush Administration
and its Military / Intelligence Complex, which President Eisenhower
had warned the Nation about years ago, to attack two Sovereign
Nations and to lie and mislead this Nation into what would become
a 20+ year WAR in the Mideast with no end in sight.

(4) If we, as adults, allow our Children to live with lies, doubts,
falsehoods and distortions concerning our Nation’s history, then
we have utterly corrupted the Past, the Present and the Future for
our Children, who will be forced to bear the Legacy, which we, as
a Nation, have left to them. Our Children and their Children
deserve a better Heritage and a more secure Future than this.