by Prof. Joseph Valvano

“Our Country, today, sits at the very crossroads between freedom and totalitarian rule. If a majority of Americans do not soon understand this reality and help to turn the tide toward freedom, they ultimately will have no choice but to understand it at a time when it will be too late to do anything about it.” former Secretary of Treasury, William E. Simon

In his “Farewell Address” President Eisenhower did something that no other President,
no Congressman and no other political leader had or has ever done before or since. He “warned” the America people of the growing threat to their Liberties and Freedoms from what he called the “Military / Industrial Complex.” In part, this is what he said to the Nation:

“Our Military Organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors… We annually spend on our “military security” more than the net income of all United States Corporations.”

“In the councils of Government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the “Military / Industrial Complex.” The potential for the disastrous rise of MISPLACED POWER exists and will persist. We must NEVER let the weight of this “combination” endanger our Liberties and Freedoms. We should take NOTHING for granted.”

” The prospect of domination of the Nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations and the power of money is ever present and is to be “gravely regarded.” We must be alert to the equal and opposite DANGER that “public policy” could, itself, become the “captive” of a SCIENTIFIC / TECHNOLOGICAL ELITE.”

Sadly, neither the American people, members of Congress, this Nation’s National News Media nor future political leaders listened to or took seriously, the courageous warnings given to the Nation by President Eisenhower who, himself, was a national military war hero; who, coming from the military, understood the power and the threat posed by what he labeled “The Military / Industrial Complex” and who was NOT a “CONSPIRACY THEORIST.”


(A) The great majority of the American people, along with members of Congress, the National News Media and its editors, writers and TV news commentators have attacked as un-American, un-patriotic, anyone who would suggest or claim that the attacks that took place on 9/11 were an “inside job,” planned and carried out at the highest levels of the U.S. Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex. It is their belief that there is absolutely NO WAY this Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex would ever consider “KILLING” American citizens.

(B) But millions of Americans do NOT know that there is MASSIVE documented evidence that the U.S. Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex have KILLED thousands of American citizens over the past 85 years by conducting secret radiation, biological agent and mind control experiments on unsuspecting America citizens at hospitals, universities, military bases and within various community medical centers throughout this country.

(C) The results being that:

(1) Hundreds of thousands of American citizens and even their children were given dangerous toxic, poisonous medical treatments and therapies without their knowledge or permission, resulting in the death and injury of many thousands of American citizens over these many years.

(2) Such covert operations as MK-Ultra, MK-Delta, MK-Naomi, MK- Often, Project Third Chance, Project Often, Project Derby Hat, Program F, The Tuskegee Study, The Pellagra Incident and many other secret radiation, biological germ warfare bacteria/ virus experiments, as well as mind control experiments were carried out against the American people, all without their knowledge, all without their permission and all without
much investigation or exposure by our “privately owned” National News Media.


(1) In Dr. Lenard Horowitz’s excellent, well researched, well documented book, “Emerging Viruses” a great amount of solid facts indicate the very  possibility that the Aids and Ebola viruses were bioengineered viruses created in a laboratory as part of the military’s Germ Warfare Program.

(2) In 1969, a secret Congressional meeting took place with 10 doctors in attendance, whereby these doctors were asked if an immuno-suppressant virus could be created? (Yes) How long would it take to create? (10 years) How much money would it take to create such a virus? ($10 million) The money was allotted under HR Bill 15090, and within 10 years, the AIDS virus appeared within the human community, killing thousands of people world wide.

(3) During this time, a secret agreement, code named “OTRAG,” was formed among NATO, NASA and a former Nazi linked West German company, whereby over 29,000 sq. miles of land was leased in Eastern Zaire for military purposes. This land location was very close to what became known as ” The Aids / Ebola Highway,” which essentially was ” ground zero” for what is believed to be the launch site for Aids and Ebola.

(4) There are well over 250 documented ” Radiation / Biological /Mind Control Experiments” that have been carried out against the American people, as well as people in other countries by those at the highest level of this Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex, resulting in the death and injury of hundreds of thousands of innocent people world wide.

* Just a few examples of the secret, covert programs of the Military / Intelligence Complex , as compiled in the Whiteout Press Timeline Section, include the following:

(5) In 1931, with the support of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigation, human subjects were infected with cancer cell, with most of these people dying from cancer.

(6) In 1932, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study took place, whereby over 200 black male farm workers who all “mysteriously” developed “Syphilis” were being given Government free health care but were never told that they had Syphilis, were never given treatment for Syphilis, but instead were used as “human Guinea pigs” to be studied to follow the symptoms and the progression of the disease, resulting in the deaths of these men and many of their wives and children.

(7) In 1942, the Chemical Warfare Services began mustard gas experiments on American soldiers, resulting in death and injury to hundreds of them.

(8) In 1945, Program F was implemented by the Atomic Energy Commission, whereby FLUORIDE, a key chemical component in atomic bomb production and one of the most toxic chemicals on this planet, was placed within the drinking water systems in various parts of the country to study the effects of Fluoride upon the human central nervous system.

(9) In 1947, a secret document (# 07075001) of the Atomic Energy Commission indicated that the Agency would begin administering intravenous doses of RADIOACTIVE substances to human subjects.

(10) In 1950, the Department of Defense instituted plans to detonate nuclear weapons in Desert areas in order to monitor residents living downwind of the nuclear explosions for resulting medical problems and mortality/death rates.

(11) In 1950, in an experiment to determine how susceptible American cities would be to any Biological attacks, the U.S. Navy released clouds of BACTERIA, including the bacteria, Serratea Marescens” from ships stationed in the San Francisco Bay, the bacteria travelling in the air over the city of San Francisco. Monitoring devices were placed through- out the city in order to track the extent of the infection Many residents became ill with pneumonia-like symptoms, resulting in the deaths of a number of people.

(12) From 1951 through 1969 and beyond, the Department of Defense began open air testing, using disease producing bacteria and viruses over various parts of the country including such states as Alaska, Alabama, Florida, Virginia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, California, New York City, and Washington, DC in mock germ warfare attacks exposing millions of American citizens to medical illnesses.

(13) In 1956, the U.S. military released MOSQUITOES infected with “Yellow Fever” over Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida and Army agents posing as health officials tested people for health issues resulting from the secret tests.

(14) In June, 1966, U.S. military agents entered the New York City subway system and dropped “light bulbs” onto the subway train tracks filled with the bacteria “Bacillus Subtilis” to simulate a “BIOLOGICAL ATTACK” on the New York subway system. The breeze from the running trains carried the Bacteria through miles of the subway system, exposing thousands of citizens to the release of the bacteria.

(15) In 1966, at Washington International Airport bacteria was sprayed within the airport by military agents using “atomizers” built into their briefcases. There was no official record that American citizens died from this test.

(16) In 1969, the Department of Defense requested that Congress allot $10 million to develop a synthetic biological agent within 5 to 10 years to which there would be NO natural immunity. (AIDS)

(17) In 1970, Congressional funding under HR. Bill 15090 for the development of a synthetic biological agent was obtained and under the supervision of the CIA, carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army’s top, secret Biological Weapons Facility. It was believed that molecular biology techniques were used to produce “Aids- like retro-viruses.”

(18) In 1975, the Virus section of Fort Detrick’s Center for Biological Warfare Research was renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facility and was placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute. It is here that a special “Virus Cancer Program was initiated by the U.S. Navy, to develop what appeared to be “Cancer causing Viruses.” It was also here that retro -virologists isolated a virus to which no immunity exists. This virus was later named “human T-cell Leukemia Virus. (HTLV)

(19) In 1977, Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirmed that over 239 populated areas throughout the country had been secretly “CONTAMINATED” with Biological Agents between 1949 and 1969, listing areas that included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, St. Louis and New York City.

(20) In October, 1995, President Clinton publicly apologized to the America people for what was revealed within the “Human Radiation Experimentation Report” that from at least 1944 to 1974, thousands of “Government sponsored radiation experiments” were conducted on many hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting American citizens at hospital, universities, military bases and community medical centers, medically injuring and killing many thousands of these citizens at the very least.

(21) It is interesting to note that in less than 6 months of this “Human Radiation Experimentation Report” coming out to the American people, “The Oklahoma City Bombing” took place, which effectively ended any further investigations or any news worthy exposure into dealing with how this Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex was “KILLING” American citizens.

(22) Even though the Government has claimed that such secret experiments are no longer being conducted, there is very little confidence in such a claim, especially since all the previous experiments were secret, covert operations that were kept from the American people for so many years under the banner of “National Security.” So what should one think concerning the most recent new viruses and resistant bacteria that are now emerging within the human community that never existed upon this planet at any previous time before Governments began to develop chemical Germ Warfare weaponry. (Aids?) (Ebola?) (Zeka?) (lyme?)

(23) If this Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex had been, have been and are “KILLING” American citizens with secret, covert operations, what makes anyone think that this government and its Military / Intelligence Complex would not kill 3,000 American citizens in New York on 9/11 in order to create a “New Pearl Harbor,” which could act as a “Call to War” for taking this Nation to WAR in the Mideast for what would be 15+ years with no end in sight?

(24) What would it take for a Government that conducts secret experiments on its own people that kills hundreds of thousands of innocent American citizens and even their children, to decide to kill an American President, (JFK) an American Senator,(RFK) and an important American civil rights leader (MLK) in order to remove any American leader who stood in the way of taking this Nation into what would become a 12 year WAR in Vietnam?

(25) In March, 1962, a secret operational plan, “OPERATION NORTHWOODS,” was proposed to President Kennedy, jointly by both the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This proposal included a series of covert military actions to be launched against the Cuban Government, including “terrorist attacks” that would take place within U.S. cities, which would include bombings at U.S. airports, at military bases and at civilian facilities, resulting in death and injury to American citizens. These “terrorist attacks” would then be blamed on Cuba and the Castro regime, all for the purpose of “gaining public support” for U.S. military action against the Cuban Government .

(26) One of the proposals also called for the shooting down of a “Commercial Airplane” carrying a group of American “college students” off the coast of Florida and using that attack to increase “public support” for military action against Castro’s Government.President Kennedy was shocked and absolutely REFUSED to approve of this military plan to ATTACK U.S. cities resulting in the death and injury to innocent American citizens.


(A) It is of extreme importance to the future of this Nation and of our children that the American people realize that:

(1) the U.S. Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were willing to carry out secret, covert military action against the United States resulting in the death and injure of American citizens, all for the purpose of taking this country to WAR.

(2)  the U.S. Military / Intelligence Complex was willing to kill Americans citizens by “BLOWING UP A COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE” and killing American students in order to take this Nation to WAR. (SHADES OF 9/11??)

(3) “WAR IS BIG BUSINESS,” and NO one, NO President, NO political leader, NO member of Congress, NO political party is going to stand in the way of taking this Nation to WAR and keeping this Nation in Perpetual WAR. The events that took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963, where the President of the United States was murdered in what appeared to be a Public Execution before the American people, made sure of this.


(A) This Nation has been taken to War by its Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex for 31 of the last 67 years. Therefore, it is important that the following points of information must be considered:

(1) Were the events of 9/11 an “INSIDE JOB” in order to create a “New Pearl Harbor,” that would serve as a “call to war” within this country in order to take this Nation to WAR, yet again, this time in the Mideast?

(2) Would this Government and/or its Military / Intelligence Complex KILL its own citizens in order to justify taking this Nation to WAR in the Mideast for what would become 17+ years with no end in sight?

(3) Is there any evidence that this Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex have ever KILLED its own citizens for any political / military reasons or objectives?


(A) To truly understand the true nature of the “terrorist crisis” facing this Nation today and why and how the Nation was taken to War in the Mideast one MUST consider the following:

(1) The factual, historical record indicates that this Government and its Military/ Intelligence Complex created al Qaeda in 1980 to fight against Russia in its war with Afghanistan.

(2) Osama Bin Laden was our man, supported by our CIA. In fact, in 1983, at a White House press conference, President Reagan, standing along side Osama Bin Laden, referred to Bin Laden as the “Moral Equivalent of Our Founding Fathers” in his role as leader in the war against Russia in Afghanistan.

(3) Osama Bin Laden’s brother, Salem Bin Laden, was a “business partner” of President George W. Bush and the Bin Laden family had deep business connections to the Bush family.

(4) This Government and its Military / Intelligence Complex are the real “Founding Fathers” of ISIS, which is essentially an off shoot of al Qaeda, which this Government actually created.

(5) How good could it get for a Government and a Military / Intelligence Complex that seeks to take a Nation to WAR? Create “terrorist groups ,”then take the Nation to WAR against the very “terrorist groups” that” you created.” In this way the Nation does NOT go to War against another government, a War which will come to an end when the army of that Government is defeated.

(6) Instead, take the Nation to War against a “religious philosophy,” a” religious belief,” a “religious movement.” This will assure that the Nation one controls will remain in “PERPETUAL WAR” for years, with no end in sight.


(A) As a Nation, we did NOT listen to the warnings that President Eisenhower gave to the Nation concerning the growing dangers and threats of what he called, THE MILITARY / INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. We did NOT take his warnings seriously. We looked the other way and in doing so, we have let our Nation down, we have let our Children down and in doing so, we have put the Liberties, the Freedoms and the Security of this Nation and of our Children at great risk.

(B) As Americans, we claim to love our Country, love Liberty and Freedom and love our Children, but we do NOT seem to love them enough to ask the hard questions and demand the TRUTH from our Government.

(C) We, Americans, are following in the very same footsteps of the German people who fell under Hitler’s rule. We are becoming who they were. We are doing the very same things that allowed Hitler’s Nazi government to gain control and rule over the German people, which cost them their Liberties, their Freedoms, the future security of their Children, their place in history and their Humanity in the eyes of the world and which cost the lives of over 70,000,000 people worldwide.


(A) From the murders of JFK, RFK and MLK to the 12 year War in Vietnam, from the events of 9/11 to the 17+ year War in the War in the Mideast, there are three things that all of us on this planet must remember, which is that:

(1) for a people to protect their Freedoms, their Liberties and the future Security of their Children, they MUST ask the hard QUESTIONS and demand the TRUTH from their Government and their National News Media.

(2) governments will KILL their own citizens to achieve a political or military objective.

(3) above all else, one must remember that WAR IS BIG BUSINESS.